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The real reason Shirley Sherrod was forced to resign

Let me finish with a very short, sharp statement of why Shirley Sherrod was forced to resign from the Department of Agriculture.

Let me finish with a very short, sharp statement of why Shirley Sherrod was forced to resign from the Department of Agriculture.She's right and President Obama is wrong. The villain was not some amorphous entity known as "the media."That's like that old cliché you used to used to hear after every national tragedy."We're all guilty." No we're not.Certain people did certain things. If they hadn't done those things, this episode would not have occurred, the attack on Shirley Sherrod that led to her forced resignation.The fact is, this whole episode consists of the decision of Andrew Breitbart to put on his website a presentation of Ms. Sherrod's statement that made it appear as if it were made in her role with the Department of Agriculture - not twenty four years ago in the private sector.That is one person's decision without which this matter would not have "been" a matter.The second decision was made by the person working for the Fox Nation website to act as a receptacle for the Breitbart blog without checking the facts. That, I assume, is how the people in the Obama administration got word that the Breitbart blog was going viral.As Walter Cronkite once ended his broadcasts, “that's the way it is.” That's the way it laid out there, scaring somebody to put the pressure on Shirley Sherrod to quit and thereby relieve the Obama administration of responsibility for what looked to be a story of blatant anti-white prejudice by an Obama administration appointee. She was told, "You're going to be on Glenn Beck."Again, Shirley Sherrod is right. It wasn't "the media" that made these decisions that victimized Shirley Sherrod. It was the blogger who put out the story, the network website that sent the story viral. We are not all guilty, Mr. President anymore than all politicians are guilty when one of "you" screws up.

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