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GOP Senate hopeful blames women for most divorces

A Republican primary candidate for the U.S. Senate once claimed that women are the cause of most divorces. Why? For loving their children.
Det Bowers announces his candidacy for Senate
Det Bowers announces his candidacy for Senate

A Republican primary candidate for the U.S. Senate once claimed that women are the cause of most divorces. Why? For loving their children.

Pastor Det Bowers is looking to defeat Lindsey Graham for his seat in South Carolina, and POLITICO recently found audio of a 2001 sermon he gave blaming women for most divorces.  

“Do you hear me, ladies? It is an abominable idolatry to love your children more than you love your husband and it will ruin your marriage,” the pastor said ,according to the audio uncovered by POLITICO, during a sermon on the Book of Peter at the Christ Church of the Carolinas.

Bowers went on to say that if a man leaves his wife for another woman, it’s not his fault. It’s his wife’s:

I find that in about 95% of broken marriages, though the husband’s the one that ran out on his wife, the wife loves her children more than she does her husband. That is an abominable idolatry ... And yet you blame it on him because he ran off with some other woman! He did run off with some other woman, and you packed his bags!"

In a statement to POLITICO, Bowers said he based his conclusions on what he learned counseling married couples.

Bowers declared his candidacy earlier this year in the already-crowded South Carolina primary field. A Winthrop University poll released at the end of February shows that Graham still holds a huge lead over his challengers.

(Audio via POLITICO; you can listen to the full sermon at