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Redefining marriage, one dictionary at a time

"HACK-Marriage" is redefining marriage — literally.
A protester raises a flag outside of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, March 26, 2013. (Photo by  Joshua Roberts/Reuters)
A protester raises a flag outside of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, March 26, 2013.

"HACK-Marriage" is redefining marriage — literally.

Following the Supreme Court's ruling on Prop. 8 last month, the activist group is taking matters into its own hands to update the entry for marriage in hard copies of dictionaries at various book stores across San Francisco—and they’re filming themselves in the act:

[vimeo 70347095 w=500 h=281]

HACKmarriage from Hack Marriage on Vimeo.

The video shows the group "retrofitting" dictionaries at Barnes and Noble, Target and even at the left-leaning City Lights bookstore.

So, is this "Marriage Mischief" an act of vandalism or just a funny prank? Take our poll: