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An offer of thanks...and congratulations

Let me end the week with a thank for the honor given me by Peirce College up in Philadelphia.
Chris Matthews delivers the commencement address at Peirce College in Philadelphia on June 11, 2015.
Chris Matthews delivers the commencement address at Peirce College in Philadelphia on June 11, 2015.

Let me end the week with a thank for the honor given me last night by Peirce College up in Philadelphia.

The Kimmel Center was packed last night with a happy crowd of parents, sisters, brothers and children of the graduating class.

I have never seen so much joy, heard such excitement from a crowd of good people.

It was an honor to give the Commencement Address and to receive an honorary doctorate. The real fun was personally congratulating each of the graduates. Nothing in the world gives me more of a thrill than having a person in their twenties or thirties telling me how much their beloved parent loves watching "Hardball."

Chris Matthews delivers the commencement address at Peirce College in Philadelphia on June 11, 2015.
Chris Matthews delivers the commencement address at Peirce College in Philadelphia on June 11, 2015.

I gave some advice last night.  If it works for you -- and I know from experience these "life tactics" do -- it'll be great for both of us. I'll be able to help a real person; you'll be able to get ahead with it.

READ MORE: Chris Matthew's Peirce College commencement address

I've spent a lot of years watching people get ahead for a living. A lot of it has to do with knowing how to get along with people. I say the better you are at that the better you'll get along in life.

Again, thank you to Peirce College in my native Philadelphia and a big congrats to the graduates and their families.