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Coming up on Hardball...

Can Herman Cain survive the sexual harassment allegations plaguing his campaign…especially now that the Washington Post is reporting that one of his accusers

Can Herman Cain survive the sexual harassment allegations plaguing his campaign…especially now that the Washington Post is reporting that one of his accusers is petitioning the National Restaurant Association to break  her confidentiality agreement, and since the New York Times reported that one woman received a year’s pay as part of a severance package? msnbc’s David Corn and Howard Fineman are here with the latest.


We’ve been reporting on the GOP’s efforts to curb voting rights throughout the country, and tonight, we’ll tell you about the Obama administration’s efforts to push back. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) joins us to talk about the campaign to decrease early voting in his state, and syndicated columnist Cynthia Tucker has further details about efforts to decrease voting throughout the country.  


Are the tides turning? President Obama’s favorability ratings are up in the latest Quinnipiac poll! And if Herman Cain’s support falls, which candidate will his supporters run to? We’re asking Republican Strategist Ron Christie and Democratic Strategist Steve McMahon.


Plus, catch Chris Matthews and msnbc’s Joe Scarborough’s chat about Chris’s new book Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero—it’s now in bookstores!