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Charlie Sykes

MSNBC columnist

MSNBC columnist Charlie Sykes is founder of The Bulwark. His most recent book, "How the Right Lost Its Mind," was published in October 2017.

MSNBC columnist Charlie Sykes is founder of The Bulwark. His most recent book, "How the Right Lost Its Mind," was published in October 2017.

Latest from Charlie Sykes

3d ago

How Trump shepherded the alt right from fringe to Republican mainstream

Donald Trump’s hush money trial has highlighted the ugliness at the heart of his first presidential campaign in 2016. Nancy French's new book gives even more details.
3d ago

Trump's search for a new apprentice is pure cringe

If you want to know what Republicans really think of Donald Trump, look at what they think he wants from his running mate.
15d ago

Another primary. Another Nikki Haley protest vote. Another warning for Trump.

The GOP is still Donald Trump’s party. His coronation is set for July in Milwaukee. But the New York trial, plus Pennsylvania primary results, offer a warning.
24d ago

Chris Sununu's sad capitulation shows what's ahead for Republicans

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu's embarrassing interview showed what it means to remain a “viable” Republican this year.
28d ago

Why the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation's Liz Cheney snub matters

The cowardice of Republican men like Lindsey Graham and Kevin McCarthy is an old story. But the Ford Foundation's Donald Trump-inspired Liz Cheney snub matters.
44d ago

The MAGA world's bridge conspiracies highlight an incredibly dark reality 

On Tuesday a containership plowed into Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge. Biden pledged help. Alex Jones, MTG and Nancy Mace spread black flag conspiracies.
45d ago

Republicans aren't as unified around Trump as they appear

A small but significant number of Republican elected officials have declined to endorse Donald Trump, even as he's now the party's nominee.
49d ago

Republicans are not as united behind Trump as they appear

Trump is running unopposed, but large numbers of Republicans continue to refuse to vote for the ex-president, led by the likes of Liz Cheney and Mike Pence.
55d ago

Are these the Jan. 6 'hostages' Trump promises to free?

Trump’s dangerous, discursive rhetoric about convicted insurrectionists being held “hostage” by the government while they serve prison sentences should not be taken lightly.
62d ago

The ranting, raging and dangerously enduring power of Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon should be in jail. instead, Donald Trump's former White House aide turned his "War Room" podcast into a MAGA bully pulpit for the 2024 election.
65d ago

Mitch McConnell prepares to exit — with a whimper 

Mitch McConnell endorsing Donald Trump before retiring from his Senate Republican role would be a fitting exit for a lawmaker who watched MAGA engulf the GOP.