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#click3 Rosie the Rivet-ing Cleaner?

1. The working woman's icon, Rosie the Riveter, is being repurposed as a docile house cleaner.

1. The working woman's icon, Rosie the Riveter, is being repurposed as a docile house cleaner. The cleaning product company, Swiffer, came out with an ad invoking  the 1942 image of Rosie. Except the flexed muscle representing strength has been replaced with a mop representing...domesticity?

(credit: Heather Beschizza)

2. According to The Atlantic, China is blocking words like "today" and "June 4" from social media. Why? Well, today is the 24th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square uprising, the violent crackdown on student protests in Beijing that claimed hundreds of lives. But China couldn't prevent the memes from happening:

3. Nicole Brewer and Carol Erickson are an anchor and meteorologist in Philadelphia and they are not fond of one another. Their exchanges are funny.

Spending Sunday with one of my faves, @carolcbs3! We're live on @cbsphilly6-9!…— Nicole Brewer (@Nicole_Brewer) June 2, 2013