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#click3 Bert and Ernie Triumph

The All In with Chris Hayes team puts out a daily call to the Twitter and Facebook communities for the “awesomest things” they encountered on the Internet.

The All In with Chris Hayes team puts out a daily call to the Twitter and Facebook communities for the “awesomest things” they encountered on the Internet.

  1. Sesame Street’s Bert and Ernie: Roommates? Best friends? If an upcoming New Yorker cover is to be believed, the puppets are a romantic couple. The image–by Jack Hunter, titled “Moment of Joy”–has gotten lots of praise, but some critics say it is undermining an LGBT milestone.
  • Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg gets the tumblr treatment.  One NYU student started an online tribute to the Supreme Court Justice, otherwise known as the Notorious R.B.G.