
From The Rachel Maddow Show

Monday's Campaign Round-Up, 9.28.20

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.


Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

* Joe Biden's campaign wasted little time responding to the revelations from Donald Trump's tax returns, including the release of an online video contrasting the tax bills paid by the president with regular American workers.

* An interesting catch from the Washington Post: Team Biden is currently investing in 13 states, only three of which Hillary Clinton won four years ago. Team Trump, meanwhile, is investing in 12 states, 10 of which the Republican carried in 2016.

* The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll found Biden leading Trump nationally, 54% to 44%, among likely voters.

* In Wisconsin, a new NBC News/Marist poll also found Biden leading Trump among likely voters, 54% to 44%.

* Speaking of Midwestern battleground states, the NBC News/Marist poll also found the former vice president ahead in Michigan, 52% to 44%, among likely voters. The same survey found a more competitive U.S. Senate race in Wolverine State, where incumbent Sen. Gary Peters (D) is leading John James (R), 49% to 44%.

* In nearby Minnesota, the latest Star Tribune/MPR News/KARE 11 poll found Biden with a more modest lead over Trump, 48% to 42% among likely voters. The latest USA Today/Suffolk poll, meanwhile, produced similar results in Minnesota, with Biden ahead, 47% to 40%.

* The Senate Majority PAC, the main super PAC tied to the Senate Democratic leadership, is investing $6.5 million in support of Jaime Harrison's (D) candidacy against Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) in South Carolina. (This is a classic watch-what-they-do-not-what-they-say moment: when partisans start spending money in a race, it's proof that they see it as competitive.)

* On a related note, Lindsey Graham has increasingly turned to Fox News as a fundraising vehicle. "I'm getting overwhelmed," Graham told Sean Hannity in desperation late last week. " Help me. They're killing me, money-wise. Help me. You helped me last week -- help me again."

* The latest economic analysis from Moody's Analytics economists Mark Zandi and Bernard Yaros concluded that Biden's economic plan would produce a more robust recovery than Trump's economic plan.

* Trump's former deputy campaign manager, Rick Gates, has a new book coming out, which includes revelations that in June 2016, the then-candidate repeatedly brought up Ivanka Trump as a possible running mate. The campaign ultimately polled the idea twice, before Ivanka Trump told her father this would be a bad idea.