
From The Rachel Maddow Show

Tuesday's Campaign Round-Up, 9.22.20

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.


Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

* Donald Trump's campaign filed suit in Nevada to block the state's expanded mail-in voting laws. Yesterday, a federal judge threw out the case.

* On a related note, Politico reported the other day, "Six months into a crusade to stop universal mail-in voting, Trump hasn’t yet prevented a single state from sending voters the unsolicited ballots he claims, with minimal evidence, are ripe for fraud."

* Speaking of court rulings, a federal judge ruled yesterday that Wisconsin can count absentee ballots until Nov. 9, just so long as they're postmarked by Nov. 3.

* The New York Times reported overnight that Democratic strategists working on Senate campaigns in multiple states "described a spontaneous outpouring of donations the likes of which they had never seen" in the wake of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's passing.

* In Iowa, a state the Republican ticket carried easily four years ago, a new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll found Joe Biden and Donald Trump tied at 47% each.

* In Maine, the latest Boston Globe/Suffolk poll found Biden leading Trump by double digits, 51% to 39%.

* As for Maine's closely watched U.S. Senate race, the same poll found Sara Gideon (D) with a far more modest advantage over incumbent Sen. Susan Collins (R), 46% to 41%.

* A recent appeals court ruling endorsed a Florida Republican scheme to impose fines and fees on ex-felons who want to vote. Now, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is reportedly leading an effort to raise millions to help pay off those debts.

* Earlier this month, dozens of U.S. Nobel Laureates in science and medicine endorsed Biden's presidential candidacy. Today, the former vice president's campaign also announced support from 13 winners of the Nobel Prize in economics.