
From The Rachel Maddow Show

Tuesday's Campaign Round-Up, 9.9.20

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.


Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

* Primary Day in New Hampshire and Rhode Island went about as expected yesterday, with party-backed candidates winning key races. Among the most notable results was Republican lawyer Corky Messner prevailing in his party's U.S. Senate primary, winning the right to take on Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D) in the fall.

* Though some recent polling has shown a narrow race in Pennsylvania, a new NBC News/Marist poll found Joe Biden leading Donald Trump by nine points, 53% to 44%, among likely voters.

* The news for the GOP was far better in Florida, where the latest NBC News/Marist poll found Biden and Trump tied at 48% each. Of particular interest was the Republican president faring better than expected among Latino voters, despite Trump's years of racist rhetoric and wall-building crusade.

* On a related note, a poll commissioned by the Miami Herald also found Trump faring far better than expected among Latino voters in the Sunshine State.

* In response to reports that his campaign operation is low on funds, the president said on Twitter yesterday, "[I]f more money is needed, which I doubt it will be, I will put it up!" (I don't actually believe this, but it's worth keeping an eye on.)

* At a campaign rally in North Carolina last night, Trump said in reference to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), "She could never be the first woman president. That would be an insult to our country." I found myself dwelling on his use of the word "our."

* An interesting tidbit out of the Midwest: McClatchy News reported that the Trump campaign is "currently planning to spend more money on advertising in Minnesota than in either Wisconsin or Michigan during the final stretch of the 2020 race." Minnesota is literally the only state to back the Democratic ticket in each of the last 11 presidential races, but Trump narrowly lost the state four years ago and has made it a 2020 priority.

* On a related note, Public Policy Polling this week found Biden leading Trump in Minnesota, 52% to 44%.

* And the Arizona Supreme Court this morning rejected Kanye West's bid to appear on the state's 2020 ballot. The Republican-backed entertainer also failed to qualify for the ballot in Alabama.