Wednesday's Campaign Round-Up, 10.28.20

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.


Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

* Apparently forgetting what era we live in, Donald Trump assured women at a Michigan rally yesterday, "I'm also getting your husbands, they want to get back to work, right? They want to get back to work. We're getting your husbands back to work, and everybody wants it."

* In Michigan, a new Washington Post/ABC News poll found Joe Biden leading the president among likely voters, 51% to 44%, while in the state's closely watched U.S. Senate race, the same survey found incumbent Sen. Gary Peters (D) ahead of John James (R), 52% to 46%. A new Detroit News poll offered similar results in both contests.

* In Wisconsin, the same Washington Post/ABC News poll showed Biden with a very-hard-to-believe lead, 57% to 40%, over Trump among likely voters. We're scheduled to get another Wisconsin poll from the Marquette University Law School in about an hour.

* Speaking of the Badger State, Wisconsin Republicans tried to launch a recall effort against Gov. Tony Evers (D), but we learned this week that it failed to gather enough signatures to proceed.

* In Maine, the new Colby College poll shows Biden leading Trump statewide, 51% to 38%, and in the state's more competitive 2nd congressional district, 48% to 42%. Just as notably, the same survey showed Sara Gideon (D) with a modest lead over incumbent Sen. Susan Collins (R), 47% to 43%.

* In Nevada, a state Trump narrowly lost four years ago, the latest New York Times/Siena poll shows Biden leading the Republican incumbent, 49% to 43%, among likely voters.

* That said, the Nevada Independent's Jon Ralston's report last night on early voting in the state painted a more discouraging picture for Democrats: "That NYT poll may show 6-point Biden lead, but I doubt the Dems are sleeping well tonight."

* In what I believe was a modern first, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany made two cable-news appearances yesterday in which she was identified as a "Trump 2020 campaign adviser." Though McEnany is a presidential aide whose salary is paid by taxpayers, the White House said she was "appearing in her personal capacity."

* And because it was a day that ends in "y," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) returned to Fox News last night, urging its viewers to send him campaign contributions. CNN put together a video collection of the 10 times this has happened since early September, though it may have missed one or two.