Thursday's Campaign Round-Up, 3.12.20

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.


Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

* Bernie Sanders delivered remarks yesterday afternoon that acknowledged his campaign's recent setbacks, but the Vermont senator nevertheless said he would move forward and participate in the debate scheduled for Saturday.

* On a related note, as votes continue to be tallied in the state of Washington, it appears Sanders has fallen behind Joe Biden in the Evergreen State, too.

* As the coronavirus outbreak continues, Biden's campaign has overhauled its schedule, changing upcoming events in Chicago and Miami to "virtual events."

* On a related note, Donald Trump's upcoming campaign events in Colorado, Nevada, and Wisconsin have been canceled.

* In an interview with Axios on HBO, DNC Chairman Tom Perez denied reports that he's considering moving his party's national nominating convention online. "We'd have to change the rules," he replied. "We're not contemplating rule changes."

* In the wake of his failed presidential bid, Michael Bloomberg has made another investment in voter-registration efforts, contributing $500,000 to Voto Latino, which is focusing on adding young Latinos to the voter rolls.

* And on a related note, NBC News reported this week that the Texas Democratic Party is "launching the largest voter registration campaign in its history, building up a team of organizers to try to bring millions of new voters into the party ahead of the November election." The possible effects of the coronavirus outbreak on this effort are unclear.