What's in Ed's Head: 6/7/11

These are the stories the staff of The Ed Show are keeping an eye on ...One woman of the Weiner scandal comes forward.Michele Bachmann picks 2 right-wing heavy


These are the stories the staff of The Ed Show are keeping an eye on ...

  • One woman of the Weiner scandal comes forward.
  • Michele Bachmann picks 2 right-wing heavy hitters to run her likely presidential campaign.
  • Tim Pawlenty says the federal government shouldn’t fund anything you can find on Google (including the post office and Amtrak), which begs the question: What can’t you find on Google?
  • Former Sen. Evan Bayh left politics because he said it was too partisan.  Now he’s set to join the highly partisan U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
  • Look: The sad results of the Bush tax cuts on the US economy 10 years later.