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Episode 5: The Revolution Arrives

After 15 years in the House, Newt Gingrich’s grand plan succeeds. The GOP sweeps the midterm elections, Democrats are in shock, and Newt becomes Speaker.
Congressman Newt Gingrich
Congressman Newt Gingrich is sworn in as the first Republican Speaker of the House in 40 years during the opening session of the 104th US Congress on Jan. 4, 1995.Joshua Roberts / AFP via Getty Images file

About this episode:

We’ve made it to 1994. In September, House Republicans gather on the steps of the Capitol and sign the Contract with America. It’s a carefully-worded list of bills they promise to bring to a vote as soon as they win the majority. Election night arrives, and the Republican sweep is decisive. Democrats are completely thrown by the size of the loss — and start searching for answers. And in January 1995, Newt Gingrich’s biggest moment finally arrives: The Democrats hand over the gavel, and he becomes Speaker of the House.

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