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Episode 1: Riot at the gates (again)

A violent right-wing mob interrupts lawmakers formalizing the transfer of power to a new leader. 
A frame from a newsreel shows Colonel François de la Roque marching with members of the Croix de Feu.
A frame from a newsreel shows Colonel François de la Roque marching with members of the Croix de Feu.Getty newsreel

About this episode:

A violent right-wing mob interrupts lawmakers formalizing the transfer of power to a new leader. But this isn’t Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021, but rather Paris on February 6, 1934. Rachel Maddow and Isaac-Davy Aronson explore that earlier event, the way it reverberates to this day and how it could help us understand what January 6 will mean for the U.S.

Related material:

Watch: Universal Newsreel: Major General Smedley Butler bares plot by 'Fascists'

Read: Alice Kaplan: In a case of French fascism, portents of a pro-Trump mob

Book: Jonathan Katz: Gangsters of Capitalism

Book: Alice Kaplan: The Collaborator

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