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Gay rights movement in seven minutes

This video collecting news clips about homosexuals and the gay rights movement is a compelling history through media of how far America has come and how far we'

This video collecting news clips about homosexuals and the gay rights movement is a compelling history through media of how far America has come and how far we've still yet to go.

It was assembled by Ryan James Yezak. Yezak is trying to raise money for his documentary called "Second Class Citizens."

On his page over on Kickstarter Yezak explains the film's title and what his goal in making it will be:

A second class citizen is defined as: a person whose rights and opportunities are treated as less important than those of other people in the same society. There are many areas in which gays, lesbians, & bisexuals do not have the same rights & opportunities as others in society. We must change this now.I want to make a documentary that encompasses all areas in which we are discriminated against. The general population is not aware that discrimination against the gay community goes beyond marriage & bullying. There is far too much hate directed towards our community and I want to capture that hate on camera. In addition, I want to explore where this hate comes from, why it continues to exist, and what we must do to get rid of it. A better solution is needed because the solution we have right now isn't working fast enough.

You can read more about Yezak's project here.