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Gap between political press and voters

-->After his appearance on last night's show, New York Magazine's Frank Rich stuck around the green room to chat more about the current primary race between

After his appearance on last night's show, New York Magazine's Frank Rich stuck around the green room to chat more about the current primary race between Republican candidates. He turned the tables on himself, citing a "a gap between the political press and how we talk about these characters in this race and the public."Members of the media love to theorize on whether a certain politician could beat candidate X. The "what-if-so-and-so-ran-against-so-and-so" can be an irresistible game even for the casual observer. Though as Rich points out, most  of those scenarios never play out in reality."Jon Huntsman is a perfect example because he's talked about constantly by sort of the chattering class. People sort of like him; he seems like a smart, bipartisan relatively moderate conservative," said Rich. "But in the end, the guy's got no votes and sometimes he gotten so few votes — or shown so badly rather in the polls — that he doesn’t even qualify to appear in debates. And it's not happening for him in the Republican Party."To him, Romney shares the same challenges because he "just doesn't register as human."

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