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First Word: Senate back today, House will return Sunday

As the Senate convened Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid predicted that it is now more likely that the country is headed over the fiscal cliff without
Majority Leader Harry Reid speaking about the fiscal cliff on the Senate floor on Thursday. (Photo by msnbc/Senate pool)
Majority Leader Harry Reid speaking about the fiscal cliff on the Senate floor on Thursday.

As the Senate convened Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid predicted that it is now more likely that the country is headed over the fiscal cliff without a deal to avert more than $500 billion in spending cuts and historical tax increases set for January. On Thursday morning, Reid opened the session with a floor speech chastising House Republicans for not returning to Washington for a chance to negotiate a bipartisan deal. A few hours later, House Republican leaders announced that the chamber will be back in session Sunday evening, on the eve of the fiscal cliff.

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