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Samuel L. Jackson tells Obama fans to 'Wake the F*** Up' in rhyming new ad

Actor Samuel L.

Actor Samuel L. Jackson has a message to volunteers for President Obama's 2008 election campaign who have fallen asleep at the wheel of this election cycle: "wake the f*** up."

In the Web video released Wednesday, Jackson teams up with a precocious young politico who is out to mobilize disillusioned former Obama supporters. "Little Suzy" unleashes Jackson's rhyming, sing-song message laced with profanity on everyone in her family: politically passive parents, apathetic siblings, and amorous grandparents,

"Sorry my friend, but there's no time to snore/an out-of-touch millionaire has just declared war/on schools, the environment, unions, fair pay/ We're all on our own if Romney has his way/And he's against safety nets. If you fall, tough luck/ So I strongly suggest that you wake the f*** up."

The ad riffs off of Jackson's recent narration of "Go the F*** to Sleep," a "children's book for adults" written by Adam Mansbach.

The Jewish Council for Education and Research, which produced the ad, is the same pro-Obama super PAC that bankrolled comedian Sarah Silverman's video from 2008 characterizing "The Great Schlep" of young Jewish voters. Silverman came out with another Web video for this election cycle that targeted voter suppression and went on to top political video charts last week.

Jackson's less-than family friendly, NSFW version of the video can be found here: