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'Ed Show' tonight: Thu., Feb. 16, 2012

The war on women's health turns into aspirinsanity.  And Republicans on Capitol Hill won't allow a woman to testify about women's health. Tonight, Georgetown

The war on women's health turns into aspirinsanity.  And Republicans on Capitol Hill won't allow a woman to testify about women's health. 

Tonight, Georgetown Law School student Sandra Fluke, the woman Republicans tried to silence, joins Ed EXCLUSIVELY, along with Dr. Caroline Heldman, Professor of Politics at Occidental University.

Once again racism rears its ugly head in America.  And this time the victims include Whitney HoustonJeremy Lin and Maxine Waters.

What’s behind the uptick in racist comments?  Dr. James Peterson, Director of Africana Studies and Associate Professor of English at Lehigh University, will join us for reaction and analysis.

Mitt Romney bails on a debate and Rick Santorum’s rise in the polls puts his radical views in the spotlight.  Robert Reich, former U.S. Labor Secretary and UC Berkeley Professor, E.J. Dionne, a Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution and Washington Post columnist, will join Ed with the latest on the race.

And in the big finish tonight, Sarah Palin shows her hand.  She's says she's game to get drafted in a brokered Republican convention.  Richard Wolffe, msnbc Political Analyst will have the latest.

It's going to be another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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