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'Ed Show' tonight: Mon., Jan. 2, 2012

On the eve of the Iowa Republican caucuses, there's lots to cover on the first 2012 edition of The Ed Show!Michele Bachmann says she'd put U.S.

On the eve of the Iowa Republican caucuses, there's lots to cover on the first 2012 edition of The Ed Show!

Tonight, we're going to the Hawkeye state with Rick Green of The Des Moines Register and Howard Dean, former Democratic National Committee Chairman, former presidential candidate and founder of Democracy for America.

Then we'll look into Ron Paul's stealth plan to stay relevant right through the GOP National Convention.  Could it work?  Joan Walsh, Editor at Large for, and msnbc Political Analyst Richard Wolffe will analyze Paul's strategy.

On Friday, Ed revealed that Rush Limbaugh was our "Psycho Talker of the Year."  The 2012 tally starts tonight.  Who will be the first?

The Republicans have their playbook for defeating President Obama and Mitt Romney's already using it on the campaign trail.  Brad Woodhouse, Communications Director for the Democratic National Committee, strikes back.

President Obama, meantime, plans to attack a do-nothing Congress to win re-election.  It paid off for Harry Truman in 1948, but is it a good strategy in 2012?  msnbc Political Analyst and Bloomberg View Columnist Jonathan Alter and Joy-Ann Reid, Managing Editor of, will weigh in.

And Eric Cantor just refuses to believe that President Ronald Reagan raised taxes.  Washington Post Columnist and msnbc Policy Analyst Ezra Klein has the facts.  

It's going to be another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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