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'ED Show' playbook: Wed., June 6

Citizens United and big outside/independent money saved the day for Scott Walker in Wisconsin.  Ed will go inside the numbers from last night with John

Citizens United and big outside/independent money saved the day for Scott Walker in Wisconsin.  Ed will go inside the numbers from last night with John Nichols, Washington Correspondent of The Nation.

Democrats and labor now need a major wake-up call.  You WILL NOT want to miss Ed’s commentary on that.

Big money helped put Walker over the top, could it play a big part in some key swing states this November?  Ed will ask Brad Woodhouse, Communications Director for the Democratic National Committee, about how the party will combat the cash.

Republicans are now trying to draft Walker for vice president.  Really?!?!  Ed's panel, Krystal Ball, Democratic Strategist and former candidate for U.S. Congress, Jimmy Williams, former Democratic Senate Staffer and msnbc Contributor, and political commentator Abby Huntsman, will weigh in on that and much more.

Then, Bill Clinton says he wants to keep giving tax cuts to America's richest people.  Whose side is he on anyway?  Ed will have a reality check.

And in our Big Finish, how do Republicans keep convincing people to vote against their own self-interest?  Ed ask E.J. Dionne, a Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution and Washington Post columnist, and Thomas Frank, author ("Pity the Billionaire"), columnist at Harper's Magazine.

It's going to be yet another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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