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'ED Show' playbook: Tuesday, Jan. 15

President Barack Obama is set to release his plan on guns tomorrow (you can watch it live at 11:55aET right here on “The Ed Show” blog!).
US President Barak Obama responds to a question from the news media during a press conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA 14 January 2013. President Obama holds his final press conference of his first term today and will...
US President Barak Obama responds to a question from the news media during a press conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA 14...

President Barack Obama is set to release his plan on guns tomorrow (you can watch it live at 11:55aET right here on “The Ed Show” blog!). The majority of the country is behind him, but the rebel yell getting louder.

Tonight at 8pET on msnbc, Ed Schultz has a special message for gun owners with Democratic strategist Bob Shrum, a Senior Fellow at New York University, and David Corn, DC Bureau Chief for Mother Jones magazine and columnist for

Then, Ed will have an exclusive interview with the mother of the youngest victim in the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting. Veronique Pozner talks about her son Noah, 6, and what she expects to hear from the president tomorrow.

The Republican plan to destroy an American institution is right on schedule. Tonight, we’ll have the latest in the long death of the Post Office from Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA).

The Obama immigration push is on, but what will it mean for American labor? Ed will ask Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis.

And in the BIG Finish, a miracle in the desert. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is now in love with Obamacare. Will other Republican governors follow her lead? Ed will ask Joan Walsh, Salon’s Editor at Large and author (“What's The Matter With White People? Why We Long For A Golden Age That Never Was").

It’s going to be another essential @edshow tonight at 8p/11pET on @msnbctv.

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