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'ED Show' playbook: Tue., July 31

Mitt Romney’s long international nightmare finishes with a foul-mouthed flurry.Tonight, David Corn, DC Bureau Chief for Mother Jones magazine and Columnist

Mitt Romney’s long international nightmare finishes with a foul-mouthed flurry.

Tonight, David Corn, DC Bureau Chief for Mother Jones magazine and Columnist for will tell us why Romney’s disaster overseas will hurt him in November.

Meantime, the Republican war on women explodes yet again.  Neera Tanden, President of the Center for American Progress, will react to the last-minute Republican stunt to deny women health care.

Your tax rates are up for a vote in the House of Representatives.  Guest host Michael Eric Dyson will preview tomorrow's vote with Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY).

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he knows why Romney is keeping those tax returns locked up.  Reid tells The Huffington Post a Bain capital investor told him that Romney "didn't pay any taxes for 10 years." 

Tonight's panel, including Susan Del Percio, Republican Strategist and msnbc Contributor, Keith Boykin, CNBC Contributor and Democratic Strategist Keli Goff, author of “The GQ Candidate,” will weigh in on this dramatic development.

In the latest entry in the "Dysonary," we'll look at how the GOP is redefining the word independence.

And are race relations in America better or worse after three years of an Obama presidency?  Dr. James Peterson, Director of Africana Studies and Associate Professor of English at Lehigh University, responds to a controversial new report.

It's going to another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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