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'ED Show' playbook: Thursday, Nov. 8

Two days after winning the popular vote for the White House, Senate and House, President Obama and the Democrats are promising to stand strong on the fiscal cli

Two days after winning the popular vote for the White House, Senate and House, President Obama and the Democrats are promising to stand strong on the fiscal cliff.

But Republicans in Congress won't go down easy.

Tonight, Ed welcomes Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to remind the president that he has the upper hand.

Then, the Citizens United disaster continues to unfold for Republicans. Tonight, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) discusses his victory over dark money in the Buckeye State.

White people get to vote while African American and Hispanic voters wait on line. Ed reports on a shocking new study with reaction and analysis from Krystal Ball, Co-host, The Cycle and Former Candidate for U.S. Congress,  and Ari Melber, Correspondent for The Nation.

Righties continue to freak out over the death of "traditional America." Eugene Robinson, msnbc Analyst and Associate Editor and Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for the Washington Post, reports on the conservative panic over minority voters.

The CEO who threatened to fire his workers if Obama was elected is reacting to the big win for the Democrats. We'll tell you what he said.

And in the Big Finish, it turns out the entire Romney campaign thought all the polls were skewed. Ed will go inside the Republican bubble with Michael Tomasky, Special Correspondent, The Daily Beast.

It’s going to another blockbuster @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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