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'ED Show' guest list: Friday, Aug. 30 (5p ET)

As President Obama decides what to do about Syria's use of chemical weapons on innocent civilians, he's having to deal with the baggage of George W. Bush.
U.N. chemical weapons experts prepare before collecting samples from one of the sites of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Damascus' suburb of Zamalka August 29, 2013.
U.N. chemical weapons experts prepare before collecting samples from one of the sites of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Damascus' suburb of Zamalka August 29, 2013.

As President Obama decides what to do about Syria's use of chemical weapons on innocent civilians, he's having to deal with the baggage of George W. Bush. Thanks to the former president, Americans are sick of war. Even the British Parliament voted against taking military action against Syria.

Tonight on the new weekday The Ed Show at 5pET (4pCT/3pMT/2pPT) live from Minneapolis on MSNBC, Ed welcomes former U.S. Navy three-star Admiral and former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) for a frank discussion about the options the president is facing.

Ed also  speaks to a man of faith who believes he can justify taking health care from 30 million Americans. Ed also talks with residents trying to save their city from a conservative utopia, calls out Rush Limbaugh for blaming fast food workers for their lousy pay and reports on the status of the working class as we head into Labor Day weekend. And of course, Ed answers your questions!

Here's tonight's guest list:

  • Former U.S. Navy three-star Admiral and former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA)
  • Lee Gaddies, Detroit homeowner
  • Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee

It’s going to be yet another blockbuster edition of @edshow today at 5pET on @msnbc!!

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