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Today on The Cycle: The economy election

Joining the Cyclists in today’s guest spot is Bob Moritz, Chairman & Senior Partner of PwC.
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Joining the Cyclists in today’s guest spot is Bob Moritz, Chairman & Senior Partner of PwC. Bob Moritz is here to help us all understand the 3 big economic questions that need to be answered following the election:

  1. U.S. fiscal health
  • the job situation
  • global stability

Moritz says the largest immediate risk to our economic program is the “fiscal cliff.”  We spoke about it on the show before.  We’re facing a lame duck Congress, and if they don’t do anything by January first, Americans will see $600 billion in automatic tax increases and spending cuts.  It would amount to roughly a $3,500 tax increase for 90% of American families.

It is this economic uncertainty is a major reason why the nation is not recovering from its current economic slump. So will President Obama or Governor Romney be better for America’s economy in the next 4 years?  And regardless of who is elected, what is the one thing we could do to get us out of this mess?

Be sure to tune in at 3:30pm for the full conversation with Bob Moritz as these are just some of the questions our Cyclists will be asking.