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Thank you New York

New York City, how does one begin to describe this place?
\"Night on Brooklyn Bridge.\" Traci Oshiro, 2011.
\"Night on Brooklyn Bridge.\" Traci Oshiro, 2011.

New York City, how does one begin to describe this place? There are countless quotes, sayings and songs about this exhausting, exhilarating, city of angst but Harry Hershfield (cartoonist, writer and radio personality) said it best:

"New York: where everyone mutinies but no one deserts."

Yes, New York may knock you down, leave you penniless, test your power of self. But what I have come to find is that this city will never desert you. This past week I experienced a moment of New York altruism (yes, it does exist!). It was on the subway, during rush hour (every New Yorker's least favorite place). I don't want to elucidate the entire situation, but I will never forget the comradeship I was offered. There is nothing left to say but thank you to a kind stranger and to a city which I am proud to call home.