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State of the day: Iowa

The latest Real Clear Politics poll shows a close presidential race, with only a .1% difference between President Obama's 47.4% to Mitt Romney’s 47.3%.
Battleground State: Iowa
Battleground State: Iowa

The latest Real Clear Politics poll shows a close presidential race, with only a .1% difference between President Obama's 47.4% to Mitt Romney’s 47.3%. And according to the poll site's latest electoral map, Obama is predicted to win 290 delegates to 248, but pundits say it's still anyone’s game.

So in order to help us decipher who may win this election, the Cyclists over the past week have been examining the battleground states that could shape this election. On Saturday, the state of the day is Iowa, the state where the race began - and could very well end.

Mitt Romney and President Obama both will be visiting this crucial battleground state on Saturday to try and persuade the state to go in their direction. Not to mention both candidates are running political ads throughout the state until Election Day. According to the latest Real Clear Politics average, the president is currently holding a 2-point lead in the state, but as we know, anything is subject to change come Election Day.

Iowa is one of only two states that have voted successively for candidates from differing political parties in the past three presidential elections. Iowa and New Mexico went for Al Gore in 2000, George W. Bush in 2004, and Barack Obama in 2008.  The state has just six electoral votes, but campaigns have already spent $69 million already there in political ads.

So which color will this state turn come Tuesday? Polls close there Tuesday at 10 p.m ET, but be sure to tune in at 3 p.m. today for the Cyclists' full analysis of the battleground state of Iowa.