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UP: Saturday December 14

Krystal Ball hosts this week. What should you expect from the show?
Up with Steve Kornaki Preview
Up with Steve Kornaki Preview

Krystal Ball, Steve Kornacki's former co-host on The Cycle, fills in for Steve.

She and the panel will look at the year in gun policy and what’s being done to make further progress.

Plus -- the Obama Administration has hired John Podesta… is he the anti-Bill Daley and a signal that the President is returning to his more progressive roots?

There are 4.1 million “long-term unemployed” people in this country. The panel will look at who they are and what’s being done about the problem.

And, Saturday wouldn’t be Saturday without America's fastest-growing, abbreviated, made-for-basic-cable Saturday morning politics and/or current events quiz show, Up Against the Clock!

Saturday’s panel includes Emily Tisch Sussman of the Center for American Progress, Mayors Against Illegal Guns’ Mark Glaze, republican pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson, former democratic Missouri state senator Jeff Smith, Sister Simone Campbell, executive director at Network, and Vera Volk, an unemployed biotech research professional.