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The Call: Tell Speaker Boehner to Pass Immigration Reform

Add your name to this petition and tell House Speaker Boehner to pass comprehensive immigration reform.
House Speaker John Boehner listens as GOP leaders speak to reporters following a Republican strategy meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, April 29, 2014.
House Speaker John Boehner listens as GOP leaders speak to reporters following a Republican strategy meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, April 29, 2014.

Dear Speaker Boehner:

65% of all Americans believe that the current immigration system isn’t working; 81% support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

In 2013, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement conducted a total of 368,444 deportations. This puts the 11 million undocumented workers still living in the U.S. at great risk.

These immigrants living “in the shadows” could be contributing members of society, paying taxes and increasing consumer spending.

You have been a leader on this issue. Members of the Republican party are now beginning to align with you – just recently, Rep. Peter T. King wrote to you making it clear that, “The reality ... is that we are not going to deport 11 million immigrants.”

We agree.

And all those signed below urge you to pass comprehensive immigration reform this year.


Team RFD


5/12/14 -- UPDATE 

Last week we asked you to sign our letter to House Speaker Boehner asking him to pass comprehensive immigration reform by the end of the year. Over 1,300 of you joined our call!  We have now sent that letter with your names to Speaker Boehner.

Although this call to action has ended, you can still tell House Speaker Boehner to put comprehensive immigration reform back on Congress’s agenda. 

1. Go to this website: Contact House Leadership.

2. Find out how you can help the NCLR's new campaign here: Spring into Action.