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Tuesday's campaign round-up

<p>Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to

Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers:

* In a big surprise, Rep. Steven LaTourette (R-Ohio), a relative moderate, confirmed this morning that he will retire at the end of the year and is not seeking re-election.

* Julian Castro, the Democratic mayor of San Antonio and widely considered a rising star, will deliver the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention. Castro, just 37 years old, will be the first Latino to ever serve the keynote speaker at a major-party convention.

* Mitt Romney's super PAC unveiled a new television ad touting his work at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. Romney's management of the games has been the subject of increasing scrutiny of late.

* Romney also released a minute-long bio spot, which includes the candidate urging Americans to "believe in the America you built," which is a not-so-subtle reference to the out-of-context line Romney is building his entire presidential campaign around.

* Massachusetts' Elizabeth Warren will not deliver the keynote address at the Democratic convention, but she will receive a prominent slot, speaking immediately before former President Bill Clinton on Wednesday, Sept. 5.

* The Democratic ground game is picking up speed in Nevada, where Dems have increased their registration advantage over Republicans.

* Newark Mayor Cory Booker conceded late last week that he's "strongly considering" seeking statewide office in the near future, but it's unclear whether he'd run for governor or the U.S. Senate.