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Texas Lt. Gov. stops State Senator Wendy Davis' filibuster

If you're just arriving, the live stream is over. This is what you missed as the session was ending, with both sides ultimately claiming victory.UPDATE: 4 a.m.
Texas Lt. Gov. stops State Senator Wendy Davis' filibuster
Texas Lt. Gov. stops State Senator Wendy Davis' filibuster

If you're just arriving, the live stream is over. This is what you missed as the session was ending, with both sides ultimately claiming victory.

UPDATE: 4 a.m. ET: In the end, the bill officially did not pass.______________________

With less than two hours left before the end of the special legislative session, Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst decided Senator Wendy Davis had digressed for a third time and called an end to her filibuster. Presently: chaos.

Here is the Texas Tribune's live blog of the events.


Here's what happened earlier after the filibuster was halted:


AP says it's over. Somewhere in there, Republicans say the vote happened:

Edit: 3:50 a.m. ET, The tweet here still says the GOP won, but if you click through, the AP story has totally changed now to say that the result is in dispute.

Ok, last update of the night: