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Morning Maddow: November 7

Morning headlines: ENDA vote in the Senate today, Stand Your Ground gets a repeal hearing in Florida, several reasons (scary and not) to look up in the sky.

The Senate holds the final vote on ENDA today. (The Hill) 

Sen. Lindsey Graham introduces his 20-week abortion ban today. (Politico)

Sen. Rand Paul finds a new home for his opinion column. (Breitbart)

A Florida House committee holds the long-sought hearing on repeal of Stand Your Ground today. (Miami Herald)

Meet the committee chairman who said he doesn't want to change "one damn comma" of Stand Your Ground. (Tampa Bay Times)

The CIA is said to pay AT&T for call data. (NY Times)

A few reasons to look up: there's a satellite about to fall to Earth (NY Times), scientists say more asteroid strikes like the one in Russia this year are likely (NY Times) , and the Olympic Torch is in space. (NBC Sports)