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Morning Maddow, June 25

Synchronized running at the U.S.
Morning Maddow, June 25
Morning Maddow, June 25

Synchronized running at the U.S. Olympic trials (it's a tie).

Waiting, waiting, waiting on Supreme Court's health reform ruling -- could be this morning around 10.

And waiting for SCOTUS ruling on immigration, a case Arizona is defending mostly with private donations.

SCOTUS Watch #3: Live sentences for juveniles.

After 2008 briefings on financial crisis, leaders in Congress minded their wallets.

NYT: Issa Says No Evidence of White House Cover-Up in Guns Case

University of Virginia rallies for ousted president.

Muslim Brotherhood candidate wins Egyptian presidency, says he'll represent everyone.

Syria says no hostility toward Turkey after shooting down Turkish plane.

Tropical Storm Debby bringing rain, tornadoes to Florida.