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McCrory to sign motorcycle-turned-abortion bill

With remarkable speed this week, Republicans in the North Carolina state legislature amended a bill on motorcycle safety, included new restrictions on
McCrory to sign motorcycle-turned-abortion bill
McCrory to sign motorcycle-turned-abortion bill

With remarkable speed this week, Republicans in the North Carolina state legislature amended a bill on motorcycle safety, included new restrictions on reproductive health, and got to work passing it. Would the state's freshman Republican governor, Pat McCrory, go along with this?

As it turns out, yes.

North Carolina's governor says he will sign a new version of a bill that raises standards for abortion clinics into law if it reaches his desk.Gov. Pat McCrory announced his decision Friday, two days after he threatened to veto the previous legislation for how it addressed raising standards for abortion clinics through rules similar to outpatient surgery centers. The House changed the language to satisfy McCrory's health and human services department.McCrory says the version that passed the House on Thursday will ensure women's safety and not limit their access to abortion.

Keep in mind, as a gubernatorial candidate just last year, McCrory was asked what changes to the state's abortion laws he would support. His answer, which helped him get elected, was unambiguous: "None." As in, if elected, McCrory wouldn't support any changes to the state's abortion laws.

Given his promise, what makes the governor think he can break his word so quickly and shamelessly? Because as McCrory sees it, the motorcycle-turned-abortion bill doesn't restrict reproductive rights so much as it ensures "safety" at abortion clinics.

The truth, however, as Rachel explained on the show Wednesday night, is that the Republican proposal is what's called a "trap law," which in North Carolina is slated to close 15 of the state's 16 clinics where abortion services are provided.

Apparently, Pat McCrory's promises come with fine print the voters of the state weren't aware of.

The bill has not yet cleared the state Senate, but with a Republican majority, its passage appears all but assured.

Update: In case you missed it, this is turning out to be a busy afternoon for restrictions on reproductive rights. In addition to North Carolina, don't miss what's going on in Texas.