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Links for the 9/3 TRMS

Citations for Tuesday's show are listed after the jump.CHAPTER 39—ARMS EXPORT CONTROL Reagan's secret dealings with Iran Why candidate Obama would have agreed
Links for the 9/3 TRMS
Links for the 9/3 TRMS

Citations for Tuesday's show are listed after the jump.


Reagan's secret dealings with Iran

Why candidate Obama would have agreed with lawmakers demanding input on Syria

Boos, Chants Fill Heated Watauga County Board of Elections Meeting Monday, ASU Voting Site Eliminated

BOE reconsiders single Boone precinct

State Board of Elections Sides With Local GOP BOE Majority, Upholds Elimination of ASU Early Voting Site

April 19, 2013 - 57 voters tossed from rolls: Board upholds most challenges

Board: ECSU student cannot run

North Carolina student wins key victory

M. Scott Mahaskey - ‏@smahaskey - Sen. Joe Manchin listens to Kerry comments on #Syria.

Niels Lesniewski - ‏@nielslesniewski - Sen. Angus King is watching the #Syria hearing from a staff seat behind Durbin. He isn't on this committee

Gov. McDonnell described as aware of gifts from Virginia businessman


Attorneys for Governor McDonnell, wife meeting with prosecutors today

June 17, 2009 - McCain Faults Obama for Cautious Response to Disputed Outcome of Iran's Election

McCain: Full Afghan Withdrawal Would be a 'Mistake'

Assad "euphoric" about Obama's decision on Syria strike, McCain says