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Coastal drilling proposal and other headlines

Morning headlines: White House to propose oil drilling off Atlantic coast, Kochs' price tag for 2016, blizzard latest.

White House to propose allowing oil drilling off Atlantic coast. (New York Times)

Pres. Obama defends U.S. cooperation with Saudi Arabia. (AP)

The Kochs put a price on 2016: $889 million. (Politico)

The blizzard may be a bust in NYC, but New England is still getting hammered. (New York Times, The Weather Channel)

Sen. Harry Reid is recovering at home after eye surgery. (The Hill)

Alabama lawmaker threatens to reveal colleagues' affairs over marriage hypocrisy. (TimesDaily)

Gunmen at luxury Libyan hotel take hostages, kill three guards. (NBC News via AP)

What are you reading this morning? Let us know in the comments, please.