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CA Shooters' Plans and other headlines

Morning headlines: more information about the couple suspected of carrying out gun attack in San Bernardino, the UK begins bombing ISIS targets in Syria.

Suspect's coworkers say he had traveled to Saudi Arabia to get married. (Los Angeles Times)

The guns were purchased legally, and authorities are investigating the purchaser of 2 of them. (AP)

Families reunite after shooting. (NBC Los Angeles)

Britain launches 'offensive operation' in Syria after vote to bomb ISIS targets. (The Guardian)

9/11 first responders to Sen. McConnell: stop blocking bill. (NBC News)

House conservatives on Speaker Paul Ryan: meh. (Bloomberg Politics)

Dick Cheney to be immortalized by the Senate. (New York Times)

Astronauts testify to Congressional committee from low Earth orbit. (AP)

What are you reading this morning? Let us know in the comments, please.