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Andrew Breitbart dies at age 43

<p>Conservative publisher and activist Andrew Breitbart died overnight.In a brief post, website site said he died at age 43 of natural causes.</p
Andrew Breitbart dies at age 43
Andrew Breitbart dies at age 43

Conservative publisher and activist Andrew Breitbart died overnight.

In a brief post, [Breitbart's Big Government] website site said he died at age 43 of natural causes. His death was confirmed to by the Los Angeles Coroner's Office.Breitbart, in addition to publishing a number of websites devoted to repudiating what he saw as the liberal-dominated coverage of politics and culture, once served as an editor for the Drudge Report and helped Arianna Huffington launch the Huffington Post website.

For those unfamiliar with his work and role in politics on the right, this New Yorker profile, which ran in 2010, is a good read.

Radio show host Monica Crowley told Fox News this morning Breitbart's death is "a huge loss to the conservative movement."