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If you haven't seen the slick YouTube video produced in conjunction with Paul Ryan's budget plan - it's worth a look.

If you haven't seen the slick YouTube video produced in conjunction with Paul Ryan's budget plan - it's worth a look.  #PrecursorToSomethingMore?

Magid CPI: Cops Admit Missing Possible Racial Slur in Trayvon Martin 911 Call; GOP Race: Romney cruises to Illinois primary win; French police in standoff with suspect in Toulouse shootings 

Google: trayvon martin case; amelia earhart; paul ryan

Twitter: Happy Hump Day; Good Mornin; The Hunger Games

YouTube Politics: The Path to Prosperity Budget: Your Country. Your Future. Your Choice. (

Billboard (Hot 100): We Are Young - fun. Featuring Janelle Monae; Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) - Kelly Clarkson; Set Fire To The Rain - Adele

Billboard (Ringtones): Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO; Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) - Kelly Clarkson; Young, Wild & Free - Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa Featuring Bruno Mars