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NOW Today: "Significant" Reform

President Obama is set to announce a package of proposals to reduce gun violence at 11:55am ET in the White House today.
U.S. President Barack Obama (R) announces the creation of an interagency task force for guns as as Vice President Joseph Biden listens in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House on December 19, 2012 in Washington, DC. President Obama announced...
U.S. President Barack Obama (R) announces the creation of an interagency task force for guns as as Vice President Joseph Biden listens in the Brady Press...

President Obama is set to announce a package of proposals to reduce gun violence at 11:55am ET in the White House today. The President and Vice President Biden are expected to be joined by children from around the country who wrote letters expressing concerns about guns and school safety in the wake of the tragedy in Newtown, CT. According to a gun-control advocate, NBC News has learned that the president’s recommendations will include universal background checks, the prohibition of high-capacity ammunition magazines and some type of assault weapons ban. The source says the 19 executive actions won’t be announced, but among the ones President Obama will choose are prosecuting people who fail background checks and reinvigorating federal research of firearm deaths and crimes. The "very strong package” comes after New York State enacted the nation's toughest gun restrictions and the first since the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. But some gun enthusiasts are not pleased with the new legislation, nor is the NRA happy with the White House, releasing a controversial new ad, calling the President an "elitist hypocrite" for using the Secret Service to protect his two children. We’ll look at the spot and bring you President Obama’s remarks live when we see you at noon ET on msnbc.


Karen Finney, Fmr. DNC Communications Director/msnbc Political Analyst (@finneyk)

David Corn, Washington Bureau Chief, Mother Jones (@davidcorndc)

Leigh Gallagher, Assisting Managing Editor, Fortune (@leighgallagher)


Chuck Todd, NBC Chief White House Correspondent, NBC Political Director, Host of “The Daily Rundown” (@chucktodd)