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NOW Today: NBC News/WSJ/Marist poll shows tightening in key 2012 battlegrounds

This morning, as the Vice Presidential nominees put the finishing touches on their debate prep, a new NBC News/WSJ/Marist poll underscores the importance of

This morning, as the Vice Presidential nominees put the finishing touches on their debate prep, a new NBC News/WSJ/Marist poll underscores the importance of their face-off and the tightening of this race.

Our new "FLOHVA"poll - surveying key battlegrounds that could very well determine the outcome of the election - illustrates the momentum Governor Mitt Romney has gained since he debated President Obama last week. In Ohio, the President leads Governor Romney 51-45 percent, up from 51-43 since Oct. 1. In Florida, the race remains a statistical dead heat: President Obama tops Governor Romney 48-47 percent, the same 1-point spread we saw at the beginning of the month (47-46). And in Virginia, a 3-point reversal, with Governor Romney ahead of the President 48-47 percent, up from 48-46 in the Oct. 1 survey.

This latest poll has a margin of error of 3.1 percent and was taken Oct. 7-9. It confirms the trend seen in other recent polls (reported here on this blog). Interestingly, 90% of respondents to the NBC News/WSJ/Marist poll said that the first presidential debate did not influence their decision.

As Nov. 6 draws closer, will tonight's VP debate have a different effect? We'll preview every angle on NOW today at noon ET, and we'll talk to you tonight on @NowWithAlex as we live tweet the 2012 Vice Presidential Debate.


Phil Musser, Fmr. Executive Dir., RGA/GOP Consultant (@pmusser)

Amie Parnes, The Hill (@amieparnes)

Jonathan Capehart, The Washington Post/msnbc Contributor (@capehartj)

Richard Wolffe, msnbc Political Analyst (@richardwolffedc)


Michael Crowley, TIME (@crowleytime)

Ben LaBolt, Obama National Press Secretary (@benlabolt)

Stuart Rothenberg, Editor, Rothenberg Report (@stupolitics)