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He's just like us!

Here's Mitt Romney just being Mitt: filling the tank, talking cars. Basically, retail politicking.
He's just like us!
He's just like us!

Here's Mitt Romney just being Mitt: filling the tank, talking cars. Basically, retail politicking. He stopped at an iconic Lowe's store in northern New Hampshire

Our reporter on the scene said Romney had a little trouble with the gas pump -- nothing too awkward, just the first pump he tried to use wasn't really working -- so he grabbed another, and joked about how he'd freeze to the side of the bus before they got the tank filled.

Romney also stepped inside and talked cars with some locals. He revealed that he and one of his sons were searching on eBay for a 1968 Mustang to buy, when Ann instead surprised him with a 2005 model instead. He also has a '62 Rambler that Tagg gave him.

I hope this try-to-look-human photo op doesn't come back and get used against him...