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'MHP' Syllabus: 11.29.15

This Sunday in #nerdland: 2016 Politics, a non-sequestered jury, and student activism.
Melissa Harris Perry MHP The Syllabus
Melissa Harris Perry MHP The Syllabus

This Sunday in #nerdland: 2016 Politics, a non-sequestered jury, and student activism.

Wake up to our morning politics play-by-play! How much do we really know about Ted Cruz, the Texas senator, who once read the “Green Eggs and Ham” on the senate floor? We’ll take a look at his position on the right as he surges in the polls. With the Republican presidential nominees spotlight on a former reality TV star/real estate mogul, neurosurgeon, and former tech CEO, what is the future of the 2016 Republican Party? We’ll hear from our political roundtable.                                                                

On Monday, the trial for the first of six officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray will commence. The jury involved in the trial will not be sequestered despite the risk of developing bias from access to opinions shared in the media. Although the identities of jury members will be anonymous, it’s important to take into account the effect outside commentary will have on the jury involved in the case.

Then we’ll take a look at how activism has surged on college campuses across the country as students stand in solidarity to combat racial tension. As students make demands towards their administrations, do these demands align with the socio-political goal? Does removing a prominent historical figure from a campus even the racial score on campus?

Plus a one-on-one with author, Toni Tipton-Martin, about her latest book which is a historical collective of 200 years of African-American cookbooks.

Joining our Sunday morning conversation will be:

To prep for our discussions, feel free to check out:

Be sure to read what we’ve linked above, and watch Melissa Harris-Perry Sunday at 10am ET on MSNBC. Join the conversation—share your thoughts about these issues on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #nerdland.