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Wednesday's Campaign Round-Up, 11.27.19

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

* The latest national Quinnipiac poll, released late yesterday, found Joe Biden leading the Democrats' 2020 field with 24%, followed by Pete Buttigieg at 16%, Elizabeth Warren at 14%, and Bernie Sanders at 13%. Of particular interest was Warren, who saw a sharp drop in support since last month. The same poll showed no other Dems above 3%.

* Speaking of national 2020 polling, CNN's new poll, released this morning, showed Biden in first with 28%, followed by Sanders at 17%, Warren at 14%, and Buttigieg at 11%. As with the Quinnipiac data, no other presidential hopeful in the Democratic field topped 3%.

* How rough was this year's election for outgoing Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin (R)? His own lieutenant governor, Jenean Hampton (R), didn't vote for him.

* Google is moving forward with a plan to make it more difficult for advertisers to target specific types of people, and as the AP noted, among those complaining the loudest are Trump's re-election campaign and other Republican election groups.

* The Republican Party of Texas's election strategy for the 2020 elections ended up in Texas Democrats' hands as part of what the Dallas Morning News described as "a bizarre political blunder."

* Mark Penn, who used to advise Bill Clinton, reportedly provided a polling briefing for Donald Trump in the Oval Office last week. Penn's focused was apparently on impeachment and its effects on the Republican's political standing.

* And in California's 25th congressional district, George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign aide who was recently imprisoned for lying to the FBI, officially kicked off his candidacy this week during a Fox News interview.