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Looking for more binders full of women tonight?

Anticipating the next “Binders Full of Women”? We can help.

Anticipating the next “Binders Full of Women”? We can help.

As the last presidential debate of 2012 gets underway, social networks are eagerly awaiting the latest quote sensation to follow Mitt Romney’s “binders full of women” moment from last week's debate.

We’ll be tracking all of the most memorable soundbites of the night on msnbc's Facebook page. Visit our brand new Election 2012 Facebook app tonight to view and share the latest and best quotes of the evening.

Our “Share a Quote” feature will allow you to create your own meme (and beat Mckayla Maroney’s “not impressed,” and “texts from Hillary” to the punch).

Stay on the app and join the Twitterverse to follow our family of talent and fans using #msnbc2012 tab. We’ll be featuring tweets and conversation from the team here at msnbc and from you at home.

We want to hear your thoughts on the events of the night. All you have to do is use the #msnbc2012 to join in.