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How well do you know Bernie Sanders?

Bernie Sanders is in the race for president. How well do you know this junior senator from Vermont?
Senator Bernie Sanders, an Independent from Vermont, smiles while responding to a question during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, April 29, 2015. (Photo by Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg/Getty)
Senator Bernie Sanders, an Independent from Vermont, smiles while responding to a question during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, April 29, 2015.

“I am running for president of the United States because America needs a political revolution,” Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders tweeted Thursday morning. Sanders has served in several political offices since 1981 and at one point was the third most popular senator in the country with a 67% approval rating. Now, he'll be up against Hillary Clinton in the battle for president. Let's see just how much you know about the veteran politician. 

Related: Bernie Sanders joins Democratic presidential field