News tips: Send it to Rachel!

Points of contact for submitting news tips to The Rachel Maddow Show


Do you have a news tip you want to share with our journalists? You can send tips to our general newsroom inbox at

You can also find ways to communicate more securely below. Keep in mind there are several tools that help protect your anonymity — but none are foolproof. Review each platform’s terms, conditions and instructions, and use them at your own risk.

A good tip is specific, backed up by evidence or documentation, and includes the names of people or organizations whom we can contact to verify the information.

We review all messages we receive but may not respond to all of them. If our reporters have questions, they may reach out to you on the platform where you contacted us.

Signal is a free app that allows you to send messages or make calls with end-to-end encryption. Signal says that it does not retain any metadata. You can set it up to self-destruct messages automatically after a certain amount of time. You can read Signal’s terms, security and instructions, and download the app on Signal’s website. 646-419-0218

WhatsApp is a free app that allows you to send messages or make calls with end-to-end encryption. It’s owned by Meta (the parent company of Facebook) and retains some data and shares some information with Meta. You can set it up to self-destruct automatically after a certain amount of time. You can read about WhatsApp’s terms, security and instructions, and download the app on the WhatsApp website. 646-419-0218

Telegram is a free app that offers an option to send messages or make calls with end-to-end encryption. In order to take advantage of this feature, you need to enable a “secret chat.” You can set secret chats up to self-destruct automatically after a certain amount of time. You can read about Telegram’s terms, security and instructions, and download the app on the Telegram website. 646-419-0218

NOTE: While we endeavor to read everything sent to this phone number, we are not staffed with operators to answer phone calls through these platforms.

Postal mail can be sent to the address below. If you are concerned about anonymity, we suggest using a public mailbox rather than a post office and omitting a return address on the outside of the envelope:

The Rachel Maddow Show


30 Rockefeller Plaza

New York, NY 10112

TWEET US (not secure):